Rien que d'écouter les jingles, on est replongé trente
ans en arrière. Lorsqu'on écoutait Caroline et Mi Amigo
à la côte belge où on passait nos vacances. Cela passait
mieux le soir, alors on glissait le transistor sous la couverture du lit.
Un régal. Ah, et ces pubs inconnues ailleurs (Suzy Wafels, par
exemple)! On vous imaginait là-bas sur la mer en se demandant comment
vous étiez ravitaillés, et par qui. Toute une époque,
hélas disparue, et que les disques de l'histoire des radios offshore
ne suffisent pas à faire vraiment revivre. Merci pour ce great
site web!
Thierry Couvreur <thierry.couvreur@swing.be>
Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium - Sunday, September 02, 2001 at 01:14:08
It's unbelievable how much there is on your website. Seeing all those
archive jingle boxes almost bought a tear to my eye. Particularly Moogo
Logo as this is one of my favourite packages. Excellent photos and enough
material on jingles to keep the most dedicated anorak happy (I certainly
am) Keep up the sterling work Norm.Kind regardsMichael
Michael <mzinkin@zinkin.freeserve.co.uk>
Northolt, Middlesex UK - Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 23:00:57 (BST)
What a fantastic web site, as a jingleholic I appreciate this greatly.
Any plans to get hold of some of the ILR packages, Radio Clyde's first
two packages (penned by Andy Park) were especially good?
Crawford Fulton <crawford.fulton@btinternet.com>
Glasgow, UK - Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 22:49:16 (BST)
Norman Says:-" Crawford, here's a cut I do have, so Click here -
But I know that what you want was done in '73 and '75 (the first of these
by Emison). Both were themed "altogether happy" - so maybe someone
out there has it!????? I'll post this request on the wants page.
I think you first posted a WPTR jingle at my request a couple (a few?)
years ago. It was one that you re-imagineered for Radio Caroline. I haven't
looked at your site for months. I used to get an auto-notification when
it was updated. Anyway, it looks and sounds great! It's very generous
of you to make this available to addicts such as myself. Thank you!
Rick Lipinskas <rickl1@bellatlantic.net>
ALBANY, NY USA - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 23:02:42 (BST)
Very nice pages! Regards, Audiosivut.net
Helsinki, Finland - Saturday, May 12, 2001 at 03:53:42 (BST)
Hello I've been collecting jingles for the past 19 years and have a lot
of European stuff If you interested in trading please contact me
Albert <a.pleijsier@hetnet.nl>
UK - Monday, April 30, 2001 at 13:22:39 (BST)
A brilliant site for all radio and jingle junkies
Bob Glen <bobandkathglen@aol.com>
Durham , UK - Monday, February 19, 2001 at 12:39:47 (GMT)
Looking for Willam B. Tanner jingles early 80's. The Best and Feeling
Good and more. Please help te find the jinglesBest Regards,Arno
Arno <info@midstad.nl>
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 21:11:35 (GMT)